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Strict Standards: Non-static method CakeLog::handleError() should not be called statically in /home/jbv/www/cake/libs/cake_log.php on line 290

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Strict Standards: Non-static method CakeLog::handleError() should not be called statically in /home/jbv/www/cake/libs/debugger.php on line 707
Inversores de Frequência DELTA VFD015L23A - Produtos - JBV Automação
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Produtos / Inversores de Frequência / Inversores de Frequência DELTA / VFD-L / Inversores de Frequência DELTA VFD015L23A

Ref.: VFD015L23A

Código JBV: 4408

Inversor frequência 1,5 KW/2CV trif 220V


IHM incorporada c/ potenciomentro RS485

Modbus 4ED+1EA+1SD 


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